Have you ever had permanent makeup before?
You will need to text Kristin a clear picture of your brows/lip to see if you are a candidate. Previous work must be about 80% faded. If it is faded enough, Kristin can redo your brows/lips. You will be considered a "New Client" and pay full pricing.
Are you pregnant, trying to get pregnant or breastfeeding?
You are not a candidate.
Do you have any scars in your brow or lip area?
Depending on scar tissue, there is no guarantee the pigment will take.
Do you have a pacemaker/defibrillator?
You are unable to get the procedure done with numbing applied, but still can get the procedure.
Have you ever had shingles on your face?
The procedure could cause a flare up. If you choose to get the procedure, you must have a doctor's release.
Do you have trichotillomania (compulsive pulling of body hair)?
Due to constant pulling, scar tissue is prominent, and pigment could not heal properly on your brows.
Do you severely oily skin, very large pores on your forehead/brow area or have mature skin?
Hair strokes (microblading) can possibly heal more blurry, solid or not retain at all & you are a better candidate for powder brows. If you are not sure what this means, please ask Kristin before booking.
Have you taken Accutane in the past 12 months?
You must be off 12 months prior to receiving a permanent makeup procedure (6 months with a doctor's note).
Do you work out 5+ days a week, with excessive sweating?
Your brows can fade faster, and powder brows are suggested. Also be aware you can NOT work out for 10 days, post procedure, no exceptions.
Are you on thyroid medication?
Your pigment might not take well and fade faster. *Note, Kristin has SEVERAL clients on thyroid meds and this hasn't been an issue. Not everyone is affected.
Do you have Alopecia (hair loss due to autoimmune disease)?
Pigment might not retain well, and strokes might heal more blurred and blended. Powder brows are a better option.
Have you been on Chemotherapy?
You must be off of chemo for 6 months prior to receiving permanent makeup.
Lips specific:
You must text Kristin a picture of your lips with no makeup on them prior to scheduling: 623-703-7408.
If you have history of cold-sores, even if you have ever only had ONE, you need to get prescription for an anti-viral to take prior to the procedure. Lip tattooing can cause a flareup and cold-sores will cause pigment loss and uneven healing.
If you have dark lips, or freckles on you lips, there is risk of hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation (dark and light spots) from the procedure). If you are unsure about the darkness of your lips, text Kristin a picture.
You can not get lip filler 6 wks prior to the procedure or until 6 wks after.
If you are a candidate after reading the above, please make sure you also read the Prep & Aftercare instructions so that you are aware of the commitment. Kristin takes tattooing your face seriously and wants to make sure you are fully aware of what is involved. Permanent makeup is a delicate process and to obtain great results, all instructions must be followed. If you are a candidate, please text Kristin at 623-703-7408 to pay your $150 non-refundalbe deposit via Apply Pay, Venmo or Zelle.